Module One - Introduction to OOD Africa (OODA_001.001)
Module One - Introduction to OOD Africa (OODA_001.001)
The main goal of Module One is to introduce a new way of doing things to allow students to think outside the box, to absorb existing concepts, and to come up with new ideas. Africa needs fresh ideas and a total mindset shift if we are going to...
Module Two - Why OOD Africa and Global View (OODA_001.002)
Module Two - Why OOD Africa and Global View (OODA_001.002)
The ideas may seem contradictory at first glance, insisting Africa focuses on itself to drive development by using its own human capital and resources while emphasizing the importance of a global market place with liberal policies. Africa should...
Module Three - Building Business and Development Ideas (OODA_001.003)
Module Three - Building Business and Development Ideas (OODA_001.003)
While development is driven by Governments, businesses are usually operated by corporations. We can’t see private enterprise as being antagonistic to public enterprise - the two complement each other. Rules and regulations should be that the...
Module Four - The Technical Approach (OODA_001.004)
Module Four - The Technical Approach (OODA_001.004)
After understanding that Development is actually a business, we have to equip ourselves with tools that will render our objectives possible and manageable. Precision of thought, design, and creation is needed. At the core of this module is the...
Module Five - Business and Development Implementation (OODA_002.005)
Module Five - Business and Development Implementation (OODA_002.005)
We can't equip one side without doing the same for the other. Policy makers have to be on the same footing as Businesses, likewise Businesses have to meet their obligations to support Governments. There has to be a commitment to the local...
Module Six - Growth and Sustainability (OODA_002.006)
Module Six - Growth and Sustainability (OODA_002.006)
Africa now more than ever needs to redefine "Ownership". While the intentions of State Ownership are not exactly bad, the motives by those who run them vary. We have to switch public to private ownership for some key industries if not just to...

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