
Module Three - Building Business and Development Ideas (OODA_001.003)

While development is driven by Governments, businesses are usually operated by corporations. We can’t see private enterprise as being antagonistic to public enterprise - the two complement each other. Rules and regulations should be that the terms of reference are the same.

When we talk of mindset shift, this where it becomes important. In Africa, the idea of a state corporation is appealing by many. While that is not exactly bad, it diminishes the interest of the local people to play significant roles in their own lives. The examples set by foreign multinationals are not encouraging, with the usual profit externalization to their countries of origin. However, for Africans, African countries are their countries of origin. Therefore, chances are that Africa will end up with a big piece of the pie if we played a bigger role in our economies.


The course cannot be taken as a single unit, one needs 4 modules for Certification as Development Analyst and 6 modules for Certification as Development Architect in the field of Social and Economic Enterprise.
  • Building Business and Development Ideas
  • biz_dev_ideas_202103
  • Assign_Biz_Dev_202103
  • Module Three PDF Version
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed