
Module Five - Business and Development Implementation (OODA_002.005)

We can't equip one side without doing the same for the other. Policy makers have to be on the same footing as Businesses, likewise Businesses have to meet their obligations to support Governments. There has to be a commitment to the local communities by the private sector.

One of the greatest challenges Africa faces is that the Africans do not see themselves as drivers of change. The history of political discourse driven largely by movements for national independence seems to pit people against private business, which, by the evidence of the past is all foreign controlled by the Europeans or by the Chinese today. This has created a distortion, with claims of imperialism, neo-colonialism and the exploitation by multinationals. In that regard, we don't stop to think and ask, "What if we the Africans are he Multinationals?". This course, offers that chance.


The course cannot be taken as a single unit, one needs 4 modules for Certification as Development Analyst and 6 modules for Certification as Development Architect in the field of Social and Economic Enterprise.
  • Business and Development Implementation
  • Biz_and_dev_impliment_202105
  • Assign_Biz_Dev_implement_202105
  • Module Five.pdf
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed